August 19, 2013

My One-Week Drawing Challenge

I love to draw. It's my most favourite thing to do in the world--in fact, it's my most favourite thing to do all around the world!

Tuesday, 1 of 7:
Contrast between tiny transparent leaves incasing black Basil seeds

Traveling has given me opportunities to find (what I think are) unique details. My travel sketchbooks are filled with landscapes and portraits, textures and patterns, colours and shadows, nature and architecture. Everything looks different everywhere... but you don't have to travel far to find them.

Wednesday, 2 of 7:
Texture inside a new Peace Lily flower

Thursday, 3 of 7:
Pattern inside a Mosaic Plant leaf
When time is limited, I'll take a photo but sometimes I'm drawn to draw. It feels like a necessity, to record particular details that would translate well into a line (vs. an image).

Friday, 4 of 7:
Organic forms in a hanging Cactus

Drawing makes me feel good, similar to meditating. Perhaps it's from concentrating so closely on just one object. Or enjoying the process of gradually piecing each shape together into a whole composition. Maybe it's the satisfying sense of accomplishment upon completion...

Saturday, 5 of 7:
Cross-hatched shading in an Ivy Vine

That is the moment, when this joyous feeling erupts into a surge of energy (which usually ends up with me dancing around my living room!) So... if it makes me feel that good, why am I not drawing more often?!

Sunday, 6 of 7:
Pattern from segments of a Cactus

I decided it was time for a new week's resolution. And without having to travel far at all, house plants became the theme for my Tuesday-to-Monday Sketch-a-Day Challenge.

Monday, 7 of 7:
Details eliminated into pure silhouettes of a Butterfly Plant

I'm so happy, I may have to do it again!

What is it that makes you so excited that you just want to dance?!

August 12, 2013

Sky Crazy

The sky has really astonished me lately. 

Several times over the past few weeks, I've stopped in my tracks, completely mesmerized by the huge mass of beauty above me. 

So the bright side of our unseasonal rainy weather is that it's caused these spectacular displays! Here are a few that made me feel very lucky to have witnessed:

July 17: Streaming beams of light behind fluffy, glowing clouds:

July 19: Threatening clouds and birds flying for cover, only seconds before the rain poured down:

July 19: After the rain, low-hovering, cotton-ball-looking Mammatus clouds, in a cast of orange light:

And another one for fun... 

August 4: Reflection inside a hot tub while up at a cottage last weekend. The white specks in the tub look like stars in the sky :)

Did you happen to stumble upon any crazy skies?